スフレチーズケーキ : Soufflé Cheesecake as Japanese Soufflé Cheese cake part1
スフレチーズケーキは、正式にはJapanese Soufflé Cheesecakeと呼ばれオリジンは日本だそうです。ベークドチーズケーキに使う生クリームを牛乳に変更して湯煎で焼き上げることでふんわりと仕上がるのが特徴です(カロリーも控えめになります)。スフレチーズケーキの焼成は、ほとんどのオーサーが湯煎で160℃ x 50~60分(表面が狐色に焼けるまで)を標準手法としているようです。
Making batter : In advance, line parchment paper on the bottom and side of a φ18cm springform cake pan. The lateral paper shield needs 10 cm hight at least because a cake rises over the side wall of a cake pan. Then cover the bottom of the cake pan with 2 layers of aluminum foil overlapped. Preheat the oven up to 160C. ① Place 200 gram cream cheese, 40 gram butter, and 80 gram whole milk into a large bowl and warm it up over a double boiler (Bain-marie) on medium-low heat. ② Stir evenly until smoth. Then, remove fron heat and add a few taps of a lemon essence and 10 gram lemon juice. Stir evenly. ③ Separate 4 whole eggs to egg yolks and egg whites, and refregerate egg whites in a fridge until use. Dump 4 egg yolks into the cream cheese mixture and whisk evenly.
Making meringue : ④ Sift 25 gram cake flour, 25 gram bread flour and 16 gram cornstarch over the egg yolk- cream cheese mixture. Fold it evenly until no powder chunk shown. Put it aside. ⑤ Place 4 egg whites and 3 gram white wine vinegar into metal bowl and electric-whisk at low speed. ⑥ When it gets into the soft peak form, adding 30 gram superfine sugar, continue to electric-whisk at high speed. Repeat the same procedure at 3 times until the sugar is exausted. ⑦ Stop whisking at the stiff peak form. The meringue has done.
⑧メレンゲを1/3ほどーズ混合液に加え、スパチュラで混ぜてなじませます。 ⑨Go back methodに従い、メレンゲに上記を全部戻し今度はゆっくりと丁寧に混ぜて(fold)ていきます。メレンゲの塊がなくなって均一になる最小限の回数だけfoldを繰り返します。 ⑩用意した焼型に生地を注ぎます。 ⑪天板に乗せ、お湯を底面から1cmを超える深さになるまで加えます。 ⑫160℃で60分ほどオーブンで調理します。時間は表面の焼き色を見ながら微調整します。この後、加熱を止めオーブンのドアを少し開いて(割り箸を挟んだ程度の隙間を作ります)予熱で20分位じっくりと中心部まで熱を加えておきます。 ⑬オーブンから取り出して室温で冷まします。クッキングシートの油の跡から2cmくらい丈が縮んだことが分かります。
Preparing for oven-baking : ⑧ Dump 1/3 volume of the meringue into the cream cheese mixture and fold it with a spaula until well incorporated. ⑨ Accoring to go back method, return it back into the meringue in the metal bowl. Fold it gently to avoid deflating the meringue until no meringue mass shown. ⑩ Pour the batter into the prepared mold (pan). Tap the pan and release large air bubble with stirring by a stick. ⑪ Place the mold on the bking plate filled in hot water which requires 1cm depth at least. ⑫ Oven-bake in the hot water bath at 160C for about 60 minutes until the surface gets golden brown. Then turn off the oven and leave the cheese cake with the door slightly opned for about 20 minutes. ⑬ Cool it completely at room temperature although the cake loses its volume in the hight.
Assembling : ⑪ Dump 1 cup of an apricot jam into a saucepan to dissolve over medium heat. Blend it into puree with a handy-blender. ⑫ Pour the puree over the cake. Let it chill with unmolded in a fridge overnight..
チーズケーキの焼き時間の公式 150℃~160℃ X 50~60分(表面が狐色に焼けるまで) その後オーブンをオフにして若干ドアを開き気味にして予熱で20分位焼き進みを加える。