Making Chocolate Cookie Crust : Line parchment paper on the bottom and the side of φ18cm round springform cake pan, beforehand. Preheat the oven up to 180C. ① Put all of “Choco Chips” (207 gram) into a mixer to crush it into powder. ② Remove vanilla cream from Noir with a knife, that is supposed to be combined with Mascarpone Cream cheese . ③ Put all of the black cocoa cookies of Noir into the mixer to crush it into powder and mix it with the Choco Chips powder. ④ Prepare 120 gram butter melted over medium heat. ⑤ Power the melted butter into the blended powder to mix well. Dump it into the mold (cake pan) to make a cookie crust. Press the cookie dough with a spoon firmly and evenly to make a high lateral wall. ⑦ Let it cool for 30 minutes in a fridge. ⑧ Oven-bake at 180C within 10 minutes (about 7 minutes). ⑨ Keep it in a fridge until use.
<2>マスカルポーネクリームの作成 クリーチーズを混ぜきるまでBain-marieで行います。 ①全卵3個分を卵黄と卵白に分けます。卵白は使用時まで冷蔵しておきます。 ②大型耐熱ボウルに卵黄3個(60グラム)、上白糖35グラムを入れBain-marieで砂糖が十分に解けるまで加熱します。 ②砂糖が解けたらマスカルポーネ250グラムを加え、フラワーホイッパーで混ぜます。この時バニラオイルを数滴加えます。 ③マスカルポーネが均等に混ざったらクリームチーズ200グラムを混ぜます。この時ビスケットから取り除いたクリームも混合します。均等にまざったら過熱を止めて室温に放置します。 ④中型ボウルに卵白3個分を入れ、白ワインビネガーを3グラム、塩0.5グラムを加えます。電動ホイッパーでsoft peakまで攪拌する。 ⑤上白糖をtotal 35グラム加え、stiff peakまで混合します。砂糖は常法に基づき2回に分けて混合します。 ⑥メレンゲとマスカルポーネをスパチュラを用いて丁寧に混合していきます。混合は中心から外側、下から上方向に丁寧にスパチュラを動かします(center to margin, down to up fold method)。 ⑦均等になったところで冷蔵庫に保存しておいたクラストに注ぎます。 ⑧オーブンで160℃で45分焼成します。室温で冷ました後、冷蔵庫に一晩おいておきます。
Preparing Mascarpone Cream cheese : The following procedure is performed under Bain-marie until cream cheese has got incorporated with Mascarpone. ① Separate egg yolks from egg whites. Keep egg whites in a fridge until use. ② Place 3 egg yolks (60 gram) and 35 gram superfine sugar into a large bowl and whisk well over simmering water in a sauce pan (Bain-marie) until the sugar is completely resolved.. ③ Add 250 gram Mascarpone with a few drops of vanilla oil and whisk until well incorporated. ④ Add 200 gram cream cheese with all of the previously removed vanilla cream (65 gram) and whisk well until the no streak of the cream cheese is seen. Then remove from heat to keep it at room temperature. ⑤ Place 3 egg whites and 3 gram white wine vinegar, 0.5 gram salt in a middle bowl. Electric-whisk until the soft peak form. ⑥ Gradually adding 35 gram superfine sugar in 2 batches, electric-whisk until the stiff peak form. ⑦ Combine the Mascarpone cream cheese mixture and the stiff peak meringue with folding it gently with a spatula according to the center to margin, down to up folding method. ⑧ Pour the batter into the cookie crust. Oven-bake at 160C for 45 minutes, Chill it in a fridge overnight.