Rough Puff : All ingredients should be chilled in a fridge before use. When increasing softness, combine bread flour to make blended flour ( ie, plain flour ( ratio cake flour to bread flour equal to 1 : 1)) and add water. For instance, blending ratio is as follows: 150gram plain flour (75 gram cake flour and 75 gram bread flour), 150 gram salted butter, 70 gram water.
Creme d’amandes
Amount for 5 Mille-Feuille
Beaten Egg
25 gram (1/2 ea.)
Powdered Sugar
25 gram
Almond Flour
25 gram
Salted Butter
25 gram
Creme d’amandes : Combine each component with the same volume.
Fig Cream
Amount for 5 Mille-Feuille
Heavy Cream (cold)
100 gram
Superfine Sugar
10 gram
Fig Puree
50 gram
Fig Cream : Fig puree is previously made. Mix creme shantily and fig puree well.
Making rough puff : All ingredients, especially butter, should be chilled in a fridge before use. Preheat the oven up to 180C. ①Stir 50 gram water and 4 gram superfine sugar in a small bowl. Chill it cold in a fridge.② Sieve 210 gram cake flour in a large bowl and dump 150 gram cubed salted butter. Press to combine them with a pastry blender until the butter gets in the size of a grain of rice. ④ Pour 50 gram cold sugar water gradually into the flour-butter mixture. Gently mix with a wooden spoon to make a chunky mass. Spread the dough on a roughly floured plastic-wrap to wrap it up in a square shape. Roll the dough with a rolling pin to flatten in a square shape. Freese it for about 8 minutes. ⑤ On a lightly floured wrap surface, roll the dough until 3 times the length, to a rectangle. Fold the top third down to the center, the the bottom third up and over that. While the above mentioned sequence counts 1 set, repeat 5 sets that yields total 3×5 layers in the dough. Final version of the dough should have φ5 mm width with pressed to flatten. If the dough gets sticky during the procedure, freeze it in a fridge for 8 to 10 minute and continue. Trim the dough with a knife into a rectangle. ⑦ On the lightly floured surface of the pie, do “piquer” with a fork. ⑧ Cut into the adequate size, place it on a parchment-papered plate with appropriately powder sugar sieved. Then, dust powder sugar on the surface. ⑨ Oven-bake at 180C for about 25 minutes.
How to oven-bake an English pie : ① Before start baking, do “piquer” on a surface of the dough to release vaporized water , the pressure of that puffs up the each layer in isothermal expansion.”Piquer” removes the excess pressure. ② Sift powder sugar on a parchment paper to prevent the dough getting scorched and stuck to the bottom. ③ To make the surface flatten, place a metallic tray as a weight. ④ Oven-bake at 180C for 20-25 minutes until the surface gets golden brown. Usually, it starts to rise up in about ten minutes. ⑤ When it comes to an apple pie, cover the surface with almond cream and set sliced apples. By adding further construction , it willl become like a baker’s apple pie.
Creme d’amandes: ① Prepare 25 gram beaten egg, 25 gram salted butter, 25 gram almond flour and 25 gram powdered sugar in a small bowl. ② Whisk it with a small flower whipper until it gets creamy. ③ Keep it in a fridge until use.
Assembling : ① Electric-whisk 100 gram cold heavy cream and 10 gram superfine sugar until stiff peak form. Creme Chantilly has done. ② Add 50 gram fig puree (previously made) and electric-whisk evenly. Transfer the fig cream into a pastry bag. ③ Place the faltten pie and pipe the cream over it. ④ Set the another flatten pie on the cream and pipe the fig cream as above mentioned. ⑤ Set the pie-plate decorated with the sliced apples and almond cream over the top.
Components of Pate a Scuree : Superfine sugar gets refined into the powdered with blended in a mixer. The tart dough should be chilled in a freezer for about 10 minutes before getting pressed into flat.
Creme d’amandes
Amount for 2 portion
Salted Butter
50 gram
Powdered Sugar
50 gram
Beaten Egg
50 gram (1 ea.)
Almond Flour
50 gram
Creme d’amandes : Combine each component with the same volume.
Pear Compote
For 2 Pear
Fresh Pear
2 ea.
300 gram
White Wine
75 gram
Superfine Sugar
75 gram
Lemon Juice
15 gram
Vanilla Oil
a few drops
Pear Compote : Adjust the volume of sugar between 75 gram and 130 gram as you like.
Fig Cream Cheese Mousse
For 1 tart
Heavy Cream
100 gram
Superfine sugar
15 gram
Cream Cheese
100 gram
Fig puree
100 gram
Powdered gelatin
8 gram
Water (for solvent)
40 gram
Fig Cream Cheese Mousse : In advance, fig puree should be prepared.
Instructions : 調理法
<1>梨のコンポート ① 梨を半部にカットして芯をスプーンでくり抜きます。皮は剥いておいた方が後の処理は楽です。 ② シチュー鍋に水300gグラムと白ワイン75グラム、上白糖75グラムを混ぜて中火にかけます。 ③ 砂糖が完全に解けたら、15グラムのレモンジュース、バニラオイルを数滴加えます。 ④ いったん火を切り、梨を鍋に入れます。再び中火で加熱します。 ⑤ 沸騰したら弱火におとし、鍋蓋をして15分くらい煮続けます。5分おきに梨を上下ひっくり返してすべての面がジュースに浸るようにします。 ⑥ 火を切りクッキングシートを落し蓋として上からかぶせ、室温で冷めるまで放置します。
Making pear compote : ① Cut pear into a half size and remove the center with a spoon. ② Pour 300 gram water and 75 gram white wine, 75 gram superfine sugar into a saucepan and simmer it over medium heat. ③ Once sugar gets completely dissolved, add 15 gram lemon juice and a few drops vanilla oil. ④ Place the pear with cutting side up into the saucepan and simmer it to a boil. ⑤ Decrease heat to low and cap the saucepan to simmer it for about 15 minutes. At every 5 minutes simmer, rotate the pear upside down to sink well in the juice.⑥ Remove from heat and place parchment paper on the surface. Leave it at room temperature.
Making pate a sucree : ① Place 30 gram powdered superfine sugar, 15 gram almond flour, 60 gram butter (cubed) in a middle bowl and press to combine roughly. ② Sieve 50 gram plain flour and 35 gram bread flour over it. Press to combine until the butter gets into the size of rice. ③ Pour 1/2 volume of 1 beaten egg and mix gently with a wooden spoon until the dough settles into shape. ④ On a floured surface of plastic-wrap, place the dough to fold it into the square shape. Roll the dough to flatten. Chill it in a freezer for about 15 minutes.⑤ On a floured surface, roll the dough into the 3 to 5 mm thick which should be larger than a tart pan.Making a pate a sucree : ⑥ Loosely roll the dough around the rolling pin. Place the dough over the tart pan to be unrolled. Dust roughly to push the dough into the corner to remove any gaps. Using a floured spoon, lightly press the dough from the center to margin and flatten it evenly. Cover the rim of the pan. ⑦ Move the rolling pin to and fro along the top of the pan to trim the edges. ⑧ Confirm the dough is tightly attached to the pan with no crack. ⑨ Prick the dough all over with a fork for the air to go through the dough while baking. Chill it in a freezer for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile preheat the oven up to 170C.
Making Creme d’amandes : ① Combine 50 gram butter, 50 gram beaten egg, 50 gram powdered sugar and 50 gram almond flour in a middle bowl until the dough gets creamy and well incorporated. ② Chill it in a fridge until use.
<4>梨のタルト Ver.01
前もってオーブンを180℃に予熱しておきます。 ①冷蔵庫で寝かしておいたタルト皿にアーモンドクリームを充填します。 ②薄切りスライスにしたフレッシュな梨を渦巻き状に盛り付けます。 ③ブラシで表面にエッグウオッシュします。溶き卵1個分を使用しますが、香り付けにダークラムやブランデーを5ml加えて攪拌するか、インスタントコーヒーを加えてコーヒードリュールとするのがいいかもしれません(好みの問題です)。 ④オーブンで180℃ x 30分前後焼きます。途中で表面の焦げ目が強く出るようならアルミフォイルで表面を覆って焼きます。十分に火が通ればタルト皿がモールド(焼型)から浮き上がりますのである程度焼き時間の目安となります。 ⑤濡らしたタオルの上に天板ごとオーブンから出して冷まします。 ⑥タルト皿がの温度が下がってきたら、クーリングラックの上に移動して室温で冷まします。 ⑦焼き型から外して皿に移し冷蔵庫で3時間ほど冷まして完成です。底板をタルトから外す時はパレットナイフを用いて割れないように慎重に分離します。
Pear Tart Version 1 : Preheat the oven up to 180C. ① Fulfill the tart crust with the almond cream (creme d’amandes). ② Slice the pear into 5mm width. Place it as you like ( ie. tornade). ③ Combine 5 gram dark rum and 1 beaten egg. Egg-wash the surface with a brush. ④ Oven-bake at 180C for about 30 minutes. ⑤ Let it cool at room temperature. Then chill it in a fridge for at least 3 hours.
<5>梨のタルト Ver.02
前もってオーブンを180℃に予熱しておきます。 ①芯をくり抜いた梨を少し厚めにスライスします。3等分または4等分に縦割りした梨がお手頃なサイズのスライスになります。 ②タルト皿にアーモンドクリームを充填した後、下図のように梨を盛り付けます。 ③溶かしバター20グラム分を表面にブラシで塗ります。 ④オーブンで180℃ x 30分前後焼成します。 この盛り付け方は、カットした時の断面が美しく梨のタルトではお気に入りです。サムネの写真はこれが上がっています。
Pear Tart Version 2 : Preheat the oven uo to 180C. ① Slice the pear ( previously removed its core ) vertically. ② Fulfill the crust with the almond cream. Place the sliced pear like the second picture with about 60 degrees tilted. ③ Brush the surface with melted butter usually in 20 gram prepared. ④ Oven-bake at 180C for about 30 minutes.
Pear Tart Version 3 : ① Place aluminum foil over the tart crust. Put a ramekin over a plate of a cake pan on the aluminum foil for weight. ② Oven-bake at 170C for 15 minutes. Remove the plate and the foil, add further oven-bake at 170C for 15 minutes. ③ Let the baked crust cool at room temperature. ④ Meanwhile, electric-whisk 100 gram heavy cream and 15 gram superfine sugar in a metal bowl until the firm peak form. Pour 100 gram fig puree and continue electric-whisking until well incorporated. Dump 100 gram cream cheese into it . Electric-whisk until the no streak of the cream cheese can be seen. Pour 8 gram powdered gelatin with 40 gram warm water into the cream cheese to electric-whisk until well combined. ⑤ Fill the crust with the cream cheese mousse. ⑥ Slice the compote pear and place it on the surface of the tart. ⑦ Chill it in a fridge overnight.
3つのバージョンのタルトを作成しました。これらは基本技術の組み合わせ(= Building Method)で構成されますのでこの辺がきっちりしてくると数式を変形するがごとくいろいろなオリジナルな作品を作成できます。
Making a carrot batter: ①lLine parchment paper on bottom and side of a cake pan. Preheat the oven up to 180C. ②Dump 160 gram Tianjin sweet roasted chestnuts into a mixing cup to crush it into the powdered. Grate 250 gram carrot with a ceramic peeler and dice into small pieces. ③Sift 140 gram cake flour, 140gram bread flour, 3 gram cinnamon powder, 2.5 gram salt, 3 gram baking powder, and 3 gram baking soda into large bowl to mix well with a fork. ④Place 4 whole eggs and 320 gram powdered sugar into a heat durable large bowl and whisk over the double boiler (Bain-Marie) until the sugar is completely melted. ⑤Remove from heat and electric-whisk until it gets pale and triple volume (ribbon stage). ⑥Pour 300 gram vegetable oil and continue to electric-whisk at low speed until it gets well incorporated.
⑦刻みニンジン250グラムを投入してホイッパーで均一になるように混ぜます。 ⑧粉類を篩い、スパチュラでホールドしていきます。常法に従い、中心から外側に向かい下方から上方に回転させながら混ぜます(center to margin, down to up fold)。篩に残った少しおきめの塊は最後に混ぜます。 ⑨焼型(18 cm springform pan)に注ぎます。なかなか熱が通りにくいですので忍耐を要します。4層分を一回で焼き上げますので火入れは工夫が必要です(4つの焼き型があるなら4等分して焼けば1個30分位で焼成できると思います)。まず180℃で約30分焼成します。この辺で表面の焼きが先行しますので、アルミホイルでふたをして170℃に落としてあとはじっくり焼きます。大体プラス50分位かかってやっとバウンスバックと串による確認で焼きあがったことが確認できました。 ⑩ケーキスライサーで4層に分割します。こういう時は便利な道具です。 クレームシャンティイ(作成法はその4を参考にしてください)をこしらえて、スポンジ→ホイップクリーム→ スポンジ→ホイップクリーム の順に積んでいき、最後にピーラーを用いて削りチョコを振りかけます。
⑦Dump grated carrots all into the batter and whisk evenly with a balloon whipper. ⑧Sieve dry ingredients and fold it gently with a spatula following the center to margin, and down to up fold. ⑨Pour the batter into the cake pan and oven-bake at 180C for about 30 minutes and successively bake at 170C for about 50 minutes covered on top with aluminum foil. ⑩Cool it at room temperature and cut horizontally with a cake slicer into 4 parts. Assemble the cake with Creme Chantilly and grate dark chocolate on top.