桃のコンポートを用いてピーチムース/ピーチババロアの2層仕立てのケーキを作ってみました。下地のスポンジケーキはビスキュイ(Bisucuit )=レディーフィンガー(lady finger)スポンジケーキを使用しました。ババロア(Bavarois)はカスタードクリームとフルーツカード作成の際の基本手技を組み合わせたような調理法で作成しますので、この2種類の卵黄クリーム作成法をマスターしていれば容易に作ることができます。ムースの上にババロアをのせると非常に口当たりがよくなります。こんな感じのシャルロットケーキもいかがなものでしょうか?
Ingredients : 材料と配合組成
生クリーム(純乳脂40;スジャータめいらく)、クリームチーズ(雪印メグミルク)、バター(含塩)(北海道四つ葉バター;四つ葉乳業)、パウダーゼラチン(クックゼラチン;森永製菓)ココアパウダー(カカオ70 ; 森永製菓)、白ワイン(Redwood)を使用しました。
For Cocoa Lady finger batter | For φ18cm cake pan |
Egg York | 5 ea. |
Superfine Sugar | 45 gram |
Egg White | 5 ea. |
White Wine Vinegar | 3 gram |
Superfine Sugar | 45 gram |
Vanilla Oil | a few drops |
Cake Flour | 82 gram |
Cocoa Powder | 8 gram |
For Peach Cream Cheese Mousse | |
Fresh Peach Puree | 128 gram (1 ea.) |
Heavy cream | 100 gram |
Cream Cheese | 100 gram |
Superfine Sugar | 30 gram |
Powder Gelatin | 8 gram |
Cold water (for solvent) | 40 gram |
For Peach Bavaroise | |
Egg Yolk | 3 ea. |
Superfine Sugar | 20 gram |
Peach compote Juice | 150 gram |
Heavy Cream | 200 gram |
Powder Gelatin | 10 gram |
Peach Compote Juice (for solvent) | 50 gram |
Vanilla Oil | a few drops |
For Topping with Nappage | |
Powder gelatin | 3 gram |
Peach Compote Juice(for solvent) | 30 gram |
Fresh Peach Slice | 1 ea. |
②卵白5個、白ワインビネガー3グラムをメタルボウルに入れ電動ホイッパーでsoft peakまで泡立てします。
③上白糖を2回に分けて加えながらstiff peakまでメレンゲを仕上げます。
④泡立て卵黄とメレンゲをgo back methodに従い合わせていきます。この時バニラオイルを適量加えて卵臭さを中和しておきます。
⑥絞り袋に生地を移し、クッキングシートの上にティラミス作成のとき同様にφ18cmの円と6 x 20 cm長方形x2個に生地を絞ります。表面にパウダーシュガーを2回篩います。
⑦オーブンで190℃ X 約10分焼成します。焼きあがったらクーリングラックの上で室温で冷まします。

1. Place 5 egg yolks and 45 gram superfine sugar in a middle bowl and whisk until sugar is completely dissolved, over simmering water in a saucepan ( Bain-marie ).
2. Place 5 egg whites and 3 gram white wine vinegar in a metal bowl. Electric-whisk until soft peak form. Gradually adding 45 gram superfine sugar ( in 2 batches), continue electric-whisk until stiff peak form.
3. According to ” go back method”, gently fold the egg yolk mixture into the stiff peak meringue. Add a few drops of vanilla oil to decrease the smell of egg.
4. Sift 82 gram cake flour and 8 gram cacao powder over the egg yolk mixture. Fold gently so as not to deflate the meringue.
5. Transfer the batter into a pastry bag. Pipe 2 sets of the round (φ 18 cm) and the rectangular ( 6 x 18 cm ) with φ 1 cm width on a parchment paper. Sprinkle powder sugar appropriately over the dough twice.
6. Oven-bake at 180C for about 10 minutes until the surface gets golden brown.
7. Cool it on the cooling rack at room temperature.
8. Trim it as you like, but carefully re-size the round-shaped cake just fitting to the internal diameter of the sponge cake dome.
②生クリーム100グラムに上白糖20グラムを加えます。電動ホイッパーを用いてstiff peakに仕上げます。

1. Cast 8 gram powder gelatin into the 40 gram peach compote ( prepared beforehand) and bloom it in a small cup. Keep it cool in a fridge until use.
2. Pour 100 gram cold heavy cream in a metal bowl and add 20 gram superfine sugar. Electric-whisk until stiff peak form.
3. Dump 100 gram cream cheese into the whipped cream in 4 batches. Electric-whisk until no streak of the cream cheese can be seen.
4. Electric-blend 128 gram fresh peach ( 1 ea.) into puree. Pour it into the cream cheese mixture. Electric-whisk until well incorporated.
5. Heat the pre-bloomed gelatin until completely dissolved. Pour it into the cream cheese mixture and electric-whisk until smooth. The peach cream mousse has done.
6. Pour the mousse all into the sponge cake dome. Place the round-shaped cake over the mousse.
⑥粘調になりはじめたらスパチュラで混ぜながら、レモンカード作成( see→レモンカード)の際同様にスパチュラに指腹で1本線が引けるようになったところで加熱を止めます。

1. Cast 10 gram powder gelatin into the 50 gram peach compote and bloom it. Chill it in a fridge until use.
2. Place 3 egg yolks and 20 gram superfine sugar into a large bowl and whisk it well.
3. Pour 200 gram heavy cream and the 150 gram peach compote into a saucepan over medium heat to bring it to a boil.
4. Gradually pouring the hot cream into the egg mixture with stirring continuously to temper it.
5. Go back the mixture into the saucepan over medium-low heat. Whisk continuously until it gets slightly thicken. Stay cautious not to get burned by frequent boiling up.
6. Exchange the balloon whipper for a spatula and continue to concentrate. When the dough gets enough thicken to draw a line on the surface of the spatula with your finger, the dough has done.
7. Remove from heat and transfer the dough into the bowl. Chill it in a fridge to stop further baking.

⑧ Take the peach cream out from the fridge when its temperature gets as low as body temperature. Warm the bloomed gelatin until it gets resolved, mix well into the peach compote cream.
⑨ Pour it into the dome and chill it in a fridge overnight to confirm the bavarois gets firm.
⑩Slice a fresh peach and set on top. Pour nappage over it.