Fig Cream& Apple Mille-Feuille: ラフパフ(Rough Puff)を用いてミルフィーユを作る。(Rough Puff Pastry その1)


ミルフィーユ(mille-feuille)はパイ生地( pâte feuilletée)の間に種々のクリームを挟んでを3枚重ねて作成します。パイ生地の作成方法には2種類あり、①フィユタージュ(パート・フィユテ): フランスパイ生地の基本で、デトランプ(小麦粉、油脂、塩、水を混ぜた生地)の中央にバターを包んで折り込んで作成する、②ラフパフ:イギリスパイ生地ですが、いわゆるラピッドフィユタージュに相当します。ラフパフは簡単に、短時間で作成することができますし仕上がりも美しい層構造をしていますので自家製ミルフィーユの生地にはもってこいの生地です。



Rough Puff (English Pie Dough)Amount (for total 350 gram pie dough)
Superfine Sugar4 gram
Water50 gram
Cake Flour210 gram
Salted Butter150 gram
Rough Puff : All ingredients should be chilled in a fridge before use. When increasing softness, combine bread flour to make blended flour ( ie, plain flour ( ratio cake flour to bread flour equal to 1 : 1)) and add water. For instance, blending ratio is as follows: 150gram plain flour (75 gram cake flour and 75 gram bread flour), 150 gram salted butter, 70 gram water.
Creme d’amandesAmount for 5 Mille-Feuille
Beaten Egg25 gram (1/2 ea.)
Powdered Sugar25 gram
Almond Flour25 gram
Salted Butter25 gram
Creme d’amandes : Combine each component with the same volume.
Fig CreamAmount for 5 Mille-Feuille
Heavy Cream (cold)100 gram
Superfine Sugar10 gram
Fig Puree50 gram
Fig Cream : Fig puree is previously made. Mix creme shantily and fig puree well.

Instructions: 調理法

Rough puffで作成するときは使用する材料をすべて冷蔵庫で冷やしておきます。特にバターは”キンキン”に冷やしておきます。途中で解けてきたら練りパイ生地になってしまいますので注意が必要です。
⑧オーブンで180℃ x 25分位焼きます。

Making rough puff : All ingredients, especially butter, should be chilled in a fridge before use. Preheat the oven up to 180C. ①Stir 50 gram water and 4 gram superfine sugar in a small bowl. Chill it cold in a fridge.② Sieve 210 gram cake flour in a large bowl and dump 150 gram cubed salted butter. Press to combine them with a pastry blender until the butter gets in the size of a grain of rice. ④ Pour 50 gram cold sugar water gradually into the flour-butter mixture. Gently mix with a wooden spoon to make a chunky mass. Spread the dough on a roughly floured plastic-wrap to wrap it up in a square shape. Roll the dough with a rolling pin to flatten in a square shape. Freese it for about 8 minutes. ⑤ On a lightly floured wrap surface, roll the dough until 3 times the length, to a rectangle. Fold the top third down to the center, the the bottom third up and over that. While the above mentioned sequence counts 1 set, repeat 5 sets that yields total 3×5 layers in the dough. Final version of the dough should have φ5 mm width with pressed to flatten. If the dough gets sticky during the procedure, freeze it in a fridge for 8 to 10 minute and continue. Trim the dough with a knife into a rectangle. ⑦ On the lightly floured surface of the pie, do “piquer” with a fork. ⑧ Cut into the adequate size, place it on a parchment-papered plate with appropriately powder sugar sieved. Then, dust powder sugar on the surface. ⑨ Oven-bake at 180C for about 25 minutes.


How to oven-bake an English pie : ① Before start baking, do “piquer” on a surface of the dough to release vaporized water , the pressure of that puffs up the each layer in isothermal expansion.”Piquer” removes the excess pressure. ② Sift powder sugar on a parchment paper to prevent the dough getting scorched and stuck to the bottom. ③ To make the surface flatten, place a metallic tray as a weight. ④ Oven-bake at 180C for 20-25 minutes until the surface gets golden brown. Usually, it starts to rise up in about ten minutes. ⑤ When it comes to an apple pie, cover the surface with almond cream and set sliced apples. By adding further construction , it willl become like a baker’s apple pie.


Creme d’amandes: ① Prepare 25 gram beaten egg, 25 gram salted butter, 25 gram almond flour and 25 gram powdered sugar in a small bowl. ② Whisk it with a small flower whipper until it gets creamy. ③ Keep it in a fridge until use.

①まずホイップクリーム(クレームシャンティイ)を作成します。よく冷やした生クリームに上白糖10グラム混ぜて、電動ホッパーでstiff peakまで仕上げます。

Assembling : ① Electric-whisk 100 gram cold heavy cream and 10 gram superfine sugar until stiff peak form. Creme Chantilly has done. ② Add 50 gram fig puree (previously made) and electric-whisk evenly. Transfer the fig cream into a pastry bag. ③ Place the faltten pie and pipe the cream over it. ④ Set the another flatten pie on the cream and pipe the fig cream as above mentioned. ⑤ Set the pie-plate decorated with the sliced apples and almond cream over the top.


Strawberry Mille-Feuille
Strawberry Mille-Feuille