Tartを作る(その3); 梨のタルト3種 : パートスクレと梨のコンポートを用いて思いつくままにタルトを作ってみた。

pear tart thumbnail

梨のタルト(Pear Tart)を作る。


Ingredients : 材料と配合組成


For pate a SucreeAmount for φ18 cm tart pan
Salted Butter60 gram
Powdered Superfine Sugar30 gram
Salt0.6 gram (a pinch)
Cake Flour50 gram
Bread Flour35 gram
Almond Flour15 gram
Beaten Egg (Whole Egg)25 gram (1/2 ea.)
Components of Pate a Scuree : Superfine sugar gets refined into the powdered with blended in a mixer. The tart dough should be chilled in a freezer for about 10 minutes before getting pressed into flat.
Creme d’amandesAmount for 2 portion
Salted Butter50 gram
Powdered Sugar50 gram
Beaten Egg50 gram (1 ea.)
Almond Flour50 gram
Creme d’amandes : Combine each component with the same volume.
Pear CompoteFor 2 Pear
Fresh Pear2 ea.
water300 gram
White Wine75 gram
Superfine Sugar75 gram
Lemon Juice15 gram
Vanilla Oila few drops
Pear Compote : Adjust the volume of sugar between 75 gram and 130 gram as you like.
Fig Cream Cheese MousseFor 1 tart
Heavy Cream100 gram
Superfine sugar15 gram
Cream Cheese100 gram
Fig puree100 gram
Powdered gelatin8 gram
Water (for solvent)40 gram
Fig Cream Cheese Mousse : In advance, fig puree should be prepared.

Instructions : 調理法

① 梨を半部にカットして芯をスプーンでくり抜きます。皮は剥いておいた方が後の処理は楽です。
② シチュー鍋に水300gグラムと白ワイン75グラム、上白糖75グラムを混ぜて中火にかけます。
③ 砂糖が完全に解けたら、15グラムのレモンジュース、バニラオイルを数滴加えます。
④ いったん火を切り、梨を鍋に入れます。再び中火で加熱します。
⑤ 沸騰したら弱火におとし、鍋蓋をして15分くらい煮続けます。5分おきに梨を上下ひっくり返してすべての面がジュースに浸るようにします。
⑥ 火を切りクッキングシートを落し蓋として上からかぶせ、室温で冷めるまで放置します。

Making pear compote : ① Cut pear into a half size and remove the center with a spoon. ② Pour 300 gram water and 75 gram white wine, 75 gram superfine sugar into a saucepan and simmer it over medium heat. ③ Once sugar gets completely dissolved, add 15 gram lemon juice and a few drops vanilla oil. ④ Place the pear with cutting side up into the saucepan and simmer it to a boil. ⑤ Decrease heat to low and cap the saucepan to simmer it for about 15 minutes. At every 5 minutes simmer, rotate the pear upside down to sink well in the juice.⑥ Remove from heat and place parchment paper on the surface. Leave it at room temperature.


パート・スクレの作成は常法に基づいて行います(詳細は、tartを作る(その1)の記事を参照)。使用するバターはtotal 60グラムですがマーガリン(ファットスプレッド)の比率を最大50%の割合まで混ぜることができます。マーガリンを混ぜる分生地が柔らかくなりますのでタルト型にマウントするのが難しくなりますが、味や香りを独自にアレンジできます。作成法は少し端折ります。

①粉砕上白糖30グラム、アーモンドフラワー15グラム、バター60グラム(1 cmくらいのキューブにカット)をボウルに入れペーストリーブレンダーで切るようにして混ぜていきます。ラフに混ざる程度でいいです。
⑤取り出して表面に強力粉を少量篩います。ローリングピンでプレスして大体3~5 mm厚に均等に広げます。タルト型のギャップに合うように少し重ねるように側面の凹凸に生地を添わせます。この後スプーンで中心から辺縁に向かって軽く押して平らに仕上げ、ギャツプを埋めます。

Making pate a scuree 01
Making pate a sucree : ① Place 30 gram powdered superfine sugar, 15 gram almond flour, 60 gram butter (cubed) in a middle bowl and press to combine roughly. ② Sieve 50 gram plain flour and 35 gram bread flour over it. Press to combine until the butter gets into the size of rice. ③ Pour 1/2 volume of 1 beaten egg and mix gently with a wooden spoon until the dough settles into shape. ④ On a floured surface of plastic-wrap, place the dough to fold it into the square shape. Roll the dough to flatten. Chill it in a freezer for about 15 minutes.⑤ On a floured surface, roll the dough into the 3 to 5 mm thick which should be larger than a tart pan.
Making a pate a sucree
Making a pate a sucree : ⑥ Loosely roll the dough around the rolling pin. Place the dough over the tart pan to be unrolled. Dust roughly to push the dough into the corner to remove any gaps. Using a floured spoon, lightly press the dough from the center to margin and flatten it evenly. Cover the rim of the pan. ⑦ Move the rolling pin to and fro along the top of the pan to trim the edges. ⑧ Confirm the dough is tightly attached to the pan with no crack. ⑨ Prick the dough all over with a fork for the air to go through the dough while baking. Chill it in a freezer for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile preheat the oven up to 170C.



Making Creme d’amandes : ① Combine 50 gram butter, 50 gram beaten egg, 50 gram powdered sugar and 50 gram almond flour in a middle bowl until the dough gets creamy and well incorporated. ② Chill it in a fridge until use.

<4>梨のタルト Ver.01

④オーブンで180℃ x 30分前後焼きます。途中で表面の焦げ目が強く出るようならアルミフォイルで表面を覆って焼きます。十分に火が通ればタルト皿がモールド(焼型)から浮き上がりますのである程度焼き時間の目安となります。

Pear Tart Version 1
Pear Tart Version 1 : Preheat the oven up to 180C. ① Fulfill the tart crust with the almond cream (creme d’amandes). ② Slice the pear into 5mm width. Place it as you like ( ie. tornade). ③ Combine 5 gram dark rum and 1 beaten egg. Egg-wash the surface with a brush. ④ Oven-bake at 180C for about 30 minutes. ⑤ Let it cool at room temperature. Then chill it in a fridge for at least 3 hours.

<5>梨のタルト Ver.02

④オーブンで180℃ x 30分前後焼成します。

Pear Tart Version 2
Pear Tart Version 2 : Preheat the oven uo to 180C. ① Slice the pear ( previously removed its core ) vertically. ② Fulfill the crust with the almond cream. Place the sliced pear like the second picture with about 60 degrees tilted. ③ Brush the surface with melted butter usually in 20 gram prepared. ④ Oven-bake at 180C for about 30 minutes.

<6>梨のタルト Ver.03

①表面にアルミフォイルを敷いてその上にφ18 cmのケーキパン用の底蓋をのせます。この上に重しとしてラメキンをのせます。これは焼いたときに底が浮き上がるのを防止するためです。タルトストーンを使うのもいいと思いますがわざわざ購入するほどのものでもないと思います。
④メタルボウルに100グラムの冷たい生クリームと15グラムの上白糖を投入してfirm peakまで電動ホイッパーで攪拌します。次に100グラムのイチジクのピューレを注ぎ電動ホイッパーで混ぜます。最後に100グラムのクリームチーズを投入し電動ホイッパーでクリームチーズの塊がなくなるまで電動ホイッパーで攪拌します。最後に粉ゼラチン8グラムを水40グラムに溶解したものを投入して均等になるまで混ぜます。

Pear Tart Version
Pear Tart Version 3 : ① Place aluminum foil over the tart crust. Put a ramekin over a plate of a cake pan on the aluminum foil for weight. ② Oven-bake at 170C for 15 minutes. Remove the plate and the foil, add further oven-bake at 170C for 15 minutes. ③ Let the baked crust cool at room temperature. ④ Meanwhile, electric-whisk 100 gram heavy cream and 15 gram superfine sugar in a metal bowl until the firm peak form. Pour 100 gram fig puree and continue electric-whisking until well incorporated. Dump 100 gram cream cheese into it . Electric-whisk until the no streak of the cream cheese can be seen. Pour 8 gram powdered gelatin with 40 gram warm water into the cream cheese to electric-whisk until well combined. ⑤ Fill the crust with the cream cheese mousse. ⑥ Slice the compote pear and place it on the surface of the tart. ⑦ Chill it in a fridge overnight.

3つのバージョンのタルトを作成しました。これらは基本技術の組み合わせ(= Building Method)で構成されますのでこの辺がきっちりしてくると数式を変形するがごとくいろいろなオリジナルな作品を作成できます。

Non baked Cheesecakeを作る (その1); 基本のノンベークドチーズケーキ: 市販のビスケットを粉砕して作成したビスケットプレートにクリームチーズムースをのせて作成/クリームチーズムース(cream cheese mousse)の作り方と粉ゼラチン(powdered gelatin)の使い方


ノンベークドチーズケーキ : Basic Non baked Cheesecake (peach taste)


Ingredients : 材料と配合組成


For Basic Biscuit PlateFor φ18 cm cake pan
Biscuit120 gram
Melted butter60 gram
For Cream Cheese Mousse
Heavy Cream200 gram
Superfine Sugar20 gram
Cheese Cream200 gram
Peach Compote100 gram
Powder Gelatin15 gram
Cold Water (for solvent)75 gram
For Top layer
Peach Compote83 gram
Powdered gelatin3 gram
Cold Water (for solvent)15 gram
Note that : About 2.5% powder gelatin (weight per total weight) is applied for the cream cheesecake mousse, and 3% for the top gelatin layer, respectively. 5 fold volume of cold water (per gelatin used) should be prepared for blooming although the product instruction suggests to use 10 fold volume for solvent..

Instruction: 調理法


Preparing for Biscuit Plate : ① Line parchment paper on the bottom and side of a φ18 cm cake pan. ② Dump 120 gram biscuit into a mortar to crush into powder with a pestle rod. ③ Pour 60 gram melted butter and mix it well. ④ Place the powdered biscuit on the bottom of the cake pan to press it tightly to be flatten with a spoon. Chill it in a fridge until use.

⑤200グラムの生クリームを大型のボウルに注ぎ、20グラムの上白糖を加え電動ホイッパーでstiff peakまで仕上げます。

Making Cream Cheese Mousse : ⑤ Pour 200 gram cold heavy cream into a large bowl and add 20 gram superfine sugar. Electric-whisk until the stiff peak form. ⑥ Divide 200 gram cream cheese into 4 parts. Dump the divided cream cheese one by one into the whipped cream and electric-whisk thoroughly until no streak of the cream cheese is not seen. ⑦ Meanwhile, pour 15 gram powder gelatin into 75 gram water and bloom it. Chill it in a fridge. ⑧ Pour 100 gram peach compote into the cream cheese mixture, and electric-whisk until well incorporated. ⑨ Carefully warm the bloomed gelatin to reverse into the liquid form. Pour the liquid gelatin into the cream cheese mixture and electric-whisk until well incorporated, ⑩ Pour the final mixture into the cake pan and flatten the surface with a palette knife. ⑪ Chill it in a fridge until the surface gets firm for about 3 hours. ⑫ Prepare 3 gram gelatin into 15 gram cold water to be bloomed. ⑬ Leave 83 gram peach compote at room temperature and add subtle volume of food color to add vivid red color. ⑭ Warm the gelatin into the liquid, and mix it into the peach compote. Pour the peach compote mixture over the top of the cheesecake. Let it chill in a fridge overnight.


Peach Compoteを作る



Ingredients : 材料と配合組成


For Peach CompoteAmount for Use
Water300 gram
Superfine Sugar75~130 gram
White wine75 gram
Lemon Juice1 Tbsp (15 mL)
Vanilla Oila few drops
Fresh Peach1~2
It had better to use a deep saucepan that covers the peach is completely soaked in the fluid.

Instructions: 調理法


Making Peach Compote : ① Prepare 2 medium sized white peach ( Do not peel away). Cut into the half to scoop out the core with a spoon. ② Pour 75 gram white wine, 300 gram water and 75 gram superfine sugar into a saucepan over medium-low heat. ③ Once the sugar has completely dissolved, add 15 gram lemon juice (100%) and a few drops of vanilla oil to stir well. ④ Turn off a burner and dump all of the divided peaches into the wine-syrup. Again turn on a burner to bring it to a boil over medium heat. Once it has got boiled, put on the lid and get set over low heat. ⑤ Stir every 5 minutes to soak the peaches well into the wine-syrup for about 15 minutes. When the peach gets enough softened to pierce easily by chopsticks, remove from heat. ⑥ Remove the lid, and place 1 sheet of parchment paper as a drop lid deep inside of the saucepan. Let it cool at room temperature. The peach compote has done. ⑦ Separate the peaches from the juice.


For Cacao Swiss RollRequired Amount
Egg Yolk (M)3 ea.
Superfine Sugar10 gram
Whole Milk30 gram
Vegetable Oil (Canola)30 gram
Salt2 gram
Vanilla Oila few drops
Cacao Powder3.5 gram
Cake Flour30 gram
Bread Flour30 gram
Egg White3 ea.
White Wine Vinegar3 gram
Super Fine Sugar50 gram
Cacao Swiss Roll : Protein percentage has adjusted to about 10%.

調理法は、スイスロールの常法に基づいて作成しています(See→スイスロール)ので端折ります。Bain-marieで卵黄・砂糖を混ぜ牛乳とキャノラオイルを混ぜます。メレンゲをstiff peakに仕上げたのちgo back methodで混合します。最後に粉類を振るってスパチュラで混ぜでバッターの出来上がりです。


For Cheese Cream MousseAmount for Use
Heavy Cream100 gram
Superfine Sugar10 gram
Cream Cheese100 gram
Peach compote 10 gram
Powdered Gelatin2 gram
Cheese Cream Mousse Recipe


Mango-Apple Puree Ice cream Parfait を作るーpart 1





Ingredients: 材料と成分組成


Mango Puree Final Volume = 170 gram
Taiwan Mango2 ea.
Superfine Sugar20 gram
Lemon Juice 5 gram
Lemon Essencea few drops
Vanilla Oil3 drops
Mango Puree : Taiwan mango which belongs to “Maha Chanok” is used.
Apple Compote for PureeAmount
White Wine75 gram
Water300 gram
Superfine Sugar80 gram
Lemon Juice15 gram
Green Apple1.5 ea.
Vanilla Oila few drops
Apple Compote : Green apple named as “OWLIN” in Japanese, is used.
Condensed MilkAmount
Whole Milk400 gram
Superfine Sugar110 gram
Condensed Milk : Stay caucious not to get burned while simmering.

Instructions: 調理法


(1) マンゴーピューレの作成法

Preparing for Mango Puree : ① Divide the flesh from the core of a mango. ② Dice the separated mango to give a right and left cut on the opposite site of the skin. ③ Warp and cut off the diced pulp to put it into a saucepan. ④ Add 20 gram superfine sugar and simmer it over medium-low heat. ⑤ Pour 5 gram lemon juice and simmer with stirring continuously until the diced pulp gets into thick consistency. ⑥ Transfer into a 500 mL measuring cup and electric-blend until it gets no chunky. ⑦ Return it into the saucepan. Add a few drops of lemon essence and 3 drops of vanilla oil to stir evenly over low heat. Transfer the puree into another cup and chill in a fridge.



Preparing Apple Compote Puree : ① Prepare 1.5 medium sized yellow apple and peel away. Cut into the half to scoop out the core with a spoon. Then cut into 4 portion of each ( finally, 8 divisions per 1 apple).② Pour 75 gram white wine, 300 gram water and 80 gram superfine sugar into a saucepan over medium-low heat. ③ Once the sugar has completely dissolved, add 15 gram lemon juice (100%) and a few drops of vanilla oil to stir well. ④ Turn off a burner and dump all of the divided apples into the wine-syrup. Again turn on a burner to bring it to a boil over medium heat. Once it has got boiled, put on the lid and get set over low heat. ⑤ Stir every 5 minutes to rinse the apples well into the wine-syrup for about 15 minutes. When the apple gets enough softened to pierce easily by chopsticks, remove from heat. ⑥ Remove the lid, and place 1 sheet of parchment paper as a drop lid deep inside of the saucepan. Let it cool at room temperature. The apple comport has done. ⑦ Separate the apples from the juice. Place the apples into a mixer to blend them into puree.






How to make Condensed Milk : ① Pour 400 gram whole milk and 110 gram superfine sugar into a saucepan over low heat. Simmer it continuously stirring with a wooden spoon or a flower whipper. Stay cautious not to get burned. Once boiling up, hot milk easily gets over a saucepan. Stir continuously to hold it in a saucepan. If boiling up many times, turn down the heat as low as you can get it settled. ② When the the hot milk get thick and a little darker, now is the time to remove from heat. It typically takes about 30 minutes with loosing a half of the volume pre-cooked. Transfer the condensed milk into a heat-durable cup and chill it in a fridge.
