Tarte Tropezienneを焼く; この1品シリーズ (その4): ブリオシュ(Brioche)はクロワッサン(croissants)と並ぶ人気を誇るパンですが、これを生地に特別なカスタードクリームを挟んだ斬新なケーキがタルト・トロペジエンヌ。調理法に迫ってみた。


タルト・トロペジエンヌ : Tarte Tropezienne (Brioche Cake)

1950年代に南フランスのSaint-Tropez(サントロぺ)を起源とするといわれている郷土菓子(Alexadre Mickaが初代)で、女優のブリジット・バルドー(Brigitte Bardot)が有名にしたそうです。オリジナルレシピは公開されてはいません(世界で三人しか正確な配合組成は知らないそうです)のでネット公開されている様々なレシピを見比べて工夫してみました。

ブリオッシュが基本生地で中央にカスタードを挟む様ですが, オリジナルのレシピでは、カスタードにはバニラとレモンクリームの混ぜ合わせたものを使用する様です(Alex Ledsom: A brief history of the tarte tropezienne, the french riviera’s favorite dessertを参照しました)。表面をクリスタルシュガーでコーティングする様ですがこれだけではインスタ写真で投稿されている様な表面のメロンパン様の凸凹模様ができません。いろいろ調べていると、どうもこれはcraquelin(クラクラン)を使用する様でした(クリスピーシューを作るときに使用するドウですからこれは有名ですね(一安心))。そもそもこれが日本のメロンパンのオリジンの様ですからこれを刻んで上から振りかければあの様な美しい凸凹模様となるのも納得がいきます。あとケーキシロップにorange blossom waterというのをほとんどのレシピで使っているのがわかりましたがこんなものは見たことも聞いたこともありませんので、国産のカクテルベースTUMUGIとレモンゼスト、レモンエッセンス混ぜてlemon syrupをこしらえてコンバートしてみました。



For Brioche DoughAmount
Cake Flour150 gram
Bread Flour150 gram
Active Dry Yeast6 gram (1 pack)
Salt1.5 gram
Superfine Sugar45 gram
Whole Egg (L)2 ea. (120 gram)
Butter(salted)70 gram
Fatspread (Margarine)20 gram
Whole Milk100 gram
Sugar Syrup (Mizuame)45 gram
Vanilla oila few drops
Basic Brioche Dough Ingredients : Keep it in a fridge overnight.
For CraquelinAmount
Powdered Superfine Sugar15
Cake Flour10
Bread Flour10
Basic Craquelin Dough : Mix the same volume of butter, sugar and flour.
For Lemon SyrupAmount
Water120 gram
Superfine Sugar45 gram
Lemon Essence8 drops
Lemon Zest1 ea.
Vanilla Oil6 drops
TUMUGI8 gram
Original Lemon Syrup : The Japanese cocktail base “TUMUGI” is converted.
For Tropezienne CustardAmount
Whole Milk265 gram
Lemon Syrup15 gram
Superfine Sugar60 gram
Egg Yolk4 ea. (80 gram)
Cornstarch20 gram
Cream Cheese200 gram
Vanilla Oila few drops
Powdered gelatin5 gram
Water (cold)25 gram
Tropezienne Custard: Original recipe requires Mascarpone. Unfortunately, I coudn’t get it. So I applied a typical cream cheese instead of Mascarpone. For stabilizing the pastry cream, add 2 to 3 percent (W/W) gelatin with 5-fold volume of cold water.
For Creme ChantillyAmount
Heavy Cream150 gram
Powdered superfine sugar20 gram
Creme Chantilly

Instruction : 調理法


②次に粉類(dry ingredients)をすべて篩います。最初に150グラムの強力粉、150グラムの薄力粉、6グラムのドライイースト、45グラムの粉砕上白糖、1.5グラムの塩をメタルボウルに篩います。そのあとフォークで十分にまぜて均一に成分が分散されるようにかき混ぜます。
③中型のボウルのバター牛乳(*(注)バターミルクではないです)へ常温でしばらく平衡しておいた全卵を1個づつバター牛乳に投入し(total 2個)、バニラオイルを数滴加えてホイッパーでかき混ぜて均一にします。少し常温で冷まします。
⑤木べらを用いて、粉が完全に見えなくなるまでcenter to margin foldで丁寧に混ぜていきます。グルテンが析出しない程度のラフな混ぜ具合です。

Preparing for Brioche : ① Pour 100 gram whole milk in a middle bowl (heat-durable). Dump 70 gram salted butter and 20 gram fat spread into it. Place it on the saucepan with a simmering water over medium heat. Mix it well until the butter is completely melted.② Sieve all dry ingredients (150 gram bread flour, 150 gram cake flour, 6 gram active dry yeast, 1.5 gram salt and 45 gram powdered superfine sugar in a metal bowl . Stir evenly with a fork. ③ Throw 2 whole eggs (at room temperature) into the milk-butter mixture in the middle bowl, one by one, whisking continuously with a balloon whipper. ④ Pour the egg-milk-butter mixture into the flour mixture with folding it gently by a wooden spoon until it gets to be a wet dough. ⑤ Rinse inside of a large bowl with vegetable oil. ⑥ Transfer the dough into the large bowl. Cover tightly with a plastic wrap and lay a towel over the top. ⑦ Leave the rise at room temperature for 1 to 2 hours to confirm bubbling up. ⑧ Once doubled in the size, place the dough with a towel over the top into a fridge overnight (for about 12 hours).



②弱火にしてレモンエッセンス数滴、バニラオイル数滴、TUMUGI 8グラムを加え軽く混ぜて火を止めます。

Making craquelin: ① Place 20 gram butter, 10 gram cake flour, 10 gram bread flour and 15 gram powdered superfine sugar in a metal bowl. Press to combine it with a pastry blender. ② Once the dough gets in together, transfer the dough on a floured surface of plastic wrap. Get the dough into round shape with plastic wrap.③ Place the dough on parchment paper with floured surface. Fold the dough with the parchment paper, then roll the dough out into square shape with a rolling pin. ④ Keep it in a freezer until use.
Preparing Lemon Syrup: ① Place 45 gram superfine sugar and 1 lemon zest with 120 gram water in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Simmer it to a boil. ② Add a few drops of lemon essence and of vanilla oil, 8 gram TUGUMI over low heat and stir. ③ Remove from heat and transfer the syrup into cups through a mesh strainer to retrieve the lemon zest.


⑦ バニラオイルを加えて卵臭さを消します。 味付けにレモンシロップを15グラム混ぜます。いい香りが漂います。

Preparing for Tropezienne Custard: Beforehand, dissolve 5 gram powdered gelatin into 5-fold volume (25 gram) of cold water and bloom it. Chill it in a fridge until use. ① Place 60 gram superfine sugar, 20 gram cornstarch and 4 egg yolks in a middle bowl. Whisk well until it gets creamy and well incorporated. ② Pour 265 gram whole milk into a saucepan, and bring it to a boil over medium heat. ③ Remove from heat. Pour slowly the half volume of the hot milk into the egg yolk mixture with continuously stirring to temper it. ④ Get it back into the saucepan. Again expose to the medium-low heat, and whisk continuously until the cream gets thick. ⑤ Then remove from heat and whisk vigorously for about 2 minutes until the custard has got to the favorite consistency. ⑥ Dump 200 gram cream cheese into the custard over medium-low heat and whisk well until it has been completely dissolved . ⑦ Transfer the custard back into the middle bowl and pour 15 gram lemon syrup and a few drops of vanilla oil to mix well. ⑧ Resolve the gelatin over medium heat and pour it into the custard to mix well. ⑨ Plastic-wrap the surface of the custard and leave it at room temperature.


①一晩寝かしたブリオッシュドウを冷蔵庫から出してきます。適量に強力粉を篩って、φ18 cmの円板状に形成します。厚みは2 cm位になります。
②Φ18 cmのケーキパン(焼型)の底面と内側にクッキングシートを貼ります。中にブリオッシュを入れラップします。タオルをかけて室温で30〜40分位放置して膨らませます。

Baking Brioche Cake : ① Take the dough out from the fridge. Dust flour adequately and roll it out in φ 18 cm round shape of about the 2 cm width. ② Line parchment paper on bottom and side of a Φ18 cm spring-form cake pan. Place the round dough on its bottom. Tightly plastic-wrap on top and cover it with a towel. Leave it at room temperature for about 30 to 40 minutes until the dough has risen up to double volume. ③ Give egg-wash 2 times on the surface. Preheat the oven up to 180C. ④ Take the craquelin from the freezer to cut into about 1 cm square shape. Sprinkle it over the egg-washed surface. ⑤ Oven-bake at 180C for around 50 minutes. Stay cautious not to over-bake. It’s somewhat hard to get an adequate baking in the middle. Observing the superficial baking, pierce the cake with a stick to confirm that it has well done. ⑥ Let it cool at room temperature and unmolded early as possible.


①生クリーム150グラム、粉砕上白糖20グラムを混ぜて電動ホッパーでstiff peakまで仕上げます。

Assembling : ① Pour 150 gram cold heavy cream with 20 gram powdered superfine sugar into a metal bowl. Electric-whisk until the stiff peak form to make Creme Chantilly. Transfer the custard into a pastry bag.② Mix and fold the Toropezienne custard and the Creme Chantilly with a spatula evenly. ③ Cut the brioche cake horizontally into the even 3 layers with a cake slicer. ④ Brush the bottom layer of the cake with the lemon syrup, then pipe the custard in the shape of a 2cm round on the surface many times until no space. Place the second layer brushed and repeat the same procedure. ⑤ Place the top layer and dust powder sugar adequately.



Matcha Gateau Basque Cakeを作る; この1品シリーズ(その3) : バスクカスタード(カスタードクリーム)をバスクドウ(パイ生地)で包んで焼成した焼き菓子。6cm厚の香ばしさと歯応え十分のMatcha Basqueを焼いてみました。


ガトー・バスク:Gateau Basque



Whole milkは酪農牛乳(成分無調整)、Brown sugarはきび糖(Cane sugar)、Butterは北海道バター、Margarineはネオソフトを使用しています。

Ingredients for Basque CustardAmount for φ18cm springform pan
Whole Milk240 gram
Egg Yolk (L)2 (40 gram)
Brown sugar (Cane sugar)48 gram
Cornstarch8 gram
Matcha Milk Powder 16 gram
Heavy Cream60 gram
Brandy (or Dark Rum)10 gram
Powdered Gelatin15 gram(3 pack)
Water (cold)75 gram
Basque Custard : Adding 2 to 3 % gelatin to the total volume makes it easy to pipe the basque custard,
Ingredients for Basque Dough Amount for φ18 cm springform pan
Butter (Salted)140 gram
Margarine60 gram
Brown Sugar (Cane Sugar)130 gram
Almond Flour105 gram
Cake Flour110 gram
Bread Flour110 gram
Whole Egg (L)2 ea. (120 gram)
Baking Powder3.5 gram (1 pack)
Vanilla Oila few drops
Basque Dough : The volume of almond flour is equal to that of cake flour or of bread flour, and to a half of the butter.
For Egg WashAmount
Whole egg beaten1 ea.
Salta pinch
Egg Wash

Instructions: 調理法


⑦ バニラオイルを加えて卵臭さを消します。 味付けにブランデーを10グラム混ぜます。

Preparing for Basque Custard: Beforehand, dissolve 15 gram powdered gelatin into 5 fold volume (75 gram) of cold water and bloom it. Chill it in a fridge until use. ① Place 48 gram cane sugar, 8 gram cornstarch, 16 gram matcha-milk powder and 4 egg yolks in a middle bowl. Whisk well until it gets creamy and well incorporated. ② Pour 240 gram whole milk into a saucepan, and bring it to a boil over medium heat. ③ Remove from heat. Pour slowly the half volume of the hot milk into the egg yolk mixture with continuously stirring to temper it. ④ Get it back into the saucepan. Again expose to the medium-low heat, and whisk continuously until the cream gets thick. ⑤ Then remove from heat and whisk vigorously for about 2 minutes until the custard has got to the favored consistency. ⑥ Pour 60 gram heavy cream into the custard over medium-low heat and whisk well. ⑦ Transfer the custard back into the middle bowl and pour 10 gram brandy and a few drops of vanilla oil to mix well. ⑧ Resolve the gelatin over medium heat and pour it into the custard to mix well. ⑨ Plastic-wrap the surface of the custard and chill it in a fridge. Don’t remember to bring it out before the custard gets too firm. Release the excess heat, leave it at room temperature.


① 1cmキューブに切断した140グラムのバター、60グラムのマーガリン、105グラムのアーモンドフラワー、130グラムのきび糖を大型ボウルに入れます。

Making Basque Dough: Line parchment paper on the bottom and side of a φ 18cm springform cake pan. Preheat the oven up to 180C. ① Place 140 gram diced butter and 60 gram margarine into a large bowl. Sieve 105gram almond flour and 130 gram cane sugar over it. ② Mix well with a pastry blender and it gets chunky. ③ Shift 110 gram bread flour and 110 gam cake flour and mix well and electric-whisk. ④ Add 2 whole eggs and electric-whisk until it gets creamy and well incorporated. ⑤ Transfer the dough into a pastry bag and pipe a circle from center to margin on the bottom of the cake pan with 1cm width.


⑥オーブンに入れて180℃でtotal 60分焼きました。30分位焼いたところで表面の焼き進みが出てきていましたのでアルミホイルで表面をカバーしました。中心の焼き具合が全く分からないケーキですので時々表面をプッシュしたりして状態の確認が必要です。最終的には一度爪楊枝で真ん中を刺して中央のカスタードまで十分焼けていることを確認して取り出します。

Preparing for oven-bake: ①Whisk the basque custard and transfer into a pastry bag. If the custard is too hard, warm it over the double boiler. Don’t over-warm. ② Pipe 1 line of a circle of the Basque dough around the margin on the bottom layer. Then pipe a circle inside the circle from center to margin of the Basque custard. ③Pipe a consecutive circle of the Basque dough as the third layer. ④ Lightly press the dough on top and flatten it with a pallet knife. ⑤ Chill it in a fridge until the surface gets firm. Brush the surface with beaten egg and draw lines with a fork. ⑥ Oven-bake at 180C for 60 minutes. Cover the surface with aluminum foil if the surface gets too dark. ⑦Remove from the oven, chill it at room temperature. Chill it in a fridge with unmolded.


Matcha Basque Cake vs Vanilla Basgue Cake

Gateau Magique (ガトーマジック)を作る; この1品シリーズ(その1): ガトーマジックケーキは、スポンジ(sponge)/カスタード(custard)/フラン(flan)の3層構造を持ち合わせたケーキ。焼成時間との3層構造の関係に迫ってみた。


ガトーマジックケーキ : Gateau Magique Sponge Cake

昨年末、仕事納めの親睦会をGateau Magique Cake(ガトーマジックケーキ)でおもてなししました。平日時間がない時でも作れるお勧めのデザートです。上から見ると外観は普通のスポンジケーキと大差ありませんが、側面は弾性硬のフランになっていて特徴があります。内面は上層からスポンジケーキ、カスタードクリーム、硬めのフランの3層構造になっています。

Gateau Magique Cake has 3layers (sponge cake, custard cream and flan, respectively).

材料/分量は以下の様になります。プリン同様に水分の非常に多いケーキですのでいつものspringform panではだだ漏れになりますので、焼き型には直径20cmのgrill pan(グリルパン)を使用します(取り出しも楽で焼き時間も短縮できますし、何より湯煎工程を回避できます)。分量はグリルパン1杯分(約95%容積率)合わせた量です(多いですが牛乳はきっちり使えます)。バターは北海道バター(含塩)、牛乳は酪農牛乳を使用しています。

Teflon coated grill pan φ20cm X 5.5cm depth

Ingredients : 材料と配合組成

IngredientsAmount needed
4 Egg yolks(L)120gram
Superfine sugar65gram
Melted Butter(salted)120gram
Cake flour1cup(120gram)
Warm whole milk500gram
4 Egg whites(L)160gram
White wine vinegar2-3gram
Superfine sugar25gram
Vanilla oilany you want
Gateau Magique Sponge Cake :

Instructions: 調理法

①まず全卵をegg yolk(卵黄)とegg white(卵白)に分けます。egg whiteは冷蔵庫で使用直前まで冷やしておきます。
②大型耐熱ボウルで、egg yolkとsuperfine sugar(上白糖)をballoon whisk(フラワーホイッパー)を用いてBain-marieで十分に混ぜます(泡立てる必要はありません)。*Bain-marieのときは水を加えなくても砂糖は解けてくれますので省略してます。

GMC step A
Place egg yolk and sugar in a large bowl. Mix egg yolk and sugar over the double boiler with a balloon whisk. Melt butter over medium-low heat completely. Gradually pour the melted butter into the egg yolk mixture and fold it with a spatula .

④butterをegg yolk mixtureに少しずつ加えてスパチュラで十分に混ぜます。
⑤cake flour(薄力粉)をmesh strainer(篩)にかけて混ぜ込みます。均等に混ざる様数回に分けて十分にfoldします。この時塩も一緒に混ぜます。

Sieve cake flour through a mesh strainer over the batter, and fold it until well incorporated. Then pour warm milk gradually into the batter with folding continuously. it’s just like a custard cream, pre-vaporized and unconcentrated.

⑦metal bowlに卵白を入れて、meringue(メレンゲ)を立てます。白ワインビネガーを注いで電動ホイッパーで泡だてします。soft peakに達したところで砂糖を加えます。stiff peak formまで泡立てします。適切なstiff peakの見極めはボウルをひっくり返してもびくともしない状態にある事で確認します。

meringue mixture
Place egg whites into a metal bowl and add a few drops of white wine vinegar. Electric-whisk until it gets to the soft peak form. Then gradually adding sugar Iin two batches, continue whisking until the stiff peak form. When the meringue reaches the stiff peak form, it dose not move even if flipping the metal bowl down. Preheat the oven up to 150C. Then dump the meringue into the batter, and whisk roughly with a balloon whipper. The surface of the batter looks like Antarctic Sea. Pour the batter into the grill pan. Oven-bake at 150C for 45 to 60 minutes.




(left) optimally baked. (center) over-baked. (right) apricot jam coated.