Mango-Apple Puree Ice Cream Parfait


アイスクリーム(Ice Cream)を作る。

パフェに添える自家製アイスクリームを電動ホイッパーを使用して作成します。特別な道具は必要なく、混ぜ合わせたら冷凍庫に保存しておくだけです。ピューレ や濃縮ジュース、チョコレートなどいろいろな材料を加えることでバニラアイスをオリジナルなアイスクリームに変えていきます。もちろん材料は全て近所のスーパーで簡単に手に入る品物を使用します。

Ingredients : 材料と配合組成

あらかじめ作成したマンゴーピューレ、生クリーム(脂肪 40%含)、あらかじめ作成したコンデンスミルク(練乳)、バニラエッセンスを使用します。

Mango Puree Ice Creamtotal 700 gram
Mango Puree125 gram
Heavy cream300 gram
Condensed Milk275 gram
Vanilla Essencea few drops
Ice Cream for DIY : The compounding ratio between whipped cream and condensed milk is about 1 : 1. Condensed milk has made from whole milk and sugar, vaporized until it gets thick.

Instructions: 調理法

①まず冷やしたメタルボウルに300グラムの生クリームを投入し。電動ホイッパーで低速攪拌しstiff peakまで泡立てします。

Making Ice cream : ① Pour 300 gram cold heavy cream into prechilled metal bowl and electric-whisk at low speed until the stiff peak form. ② Add mango puree and continue whisking until it gets even. ③ Gradually pouring condensed milk (total 275 gram), electric-whisk until well incorporated. ④ Transfer the dough into square box to freeze it at least 6 hours.


Peach Compoteを作る



Ingredients : 材料と配合組成


For Peach CompoteAmount for Use
Water300 gram
Superfine Sugar75~130 gram
White wine75 gram
Lemon Juice1 Tbsp (15 mL)
Vanilla Oila few drops
Fresh Peach1~2
It had better to use a deep saucepan that covers the peach is completely soaked in the fluid.

Instructions: 調理法


Making Peach Compote : ① Prepare 2 medium sized white peach ( Do not peel away). Cut into the half to scoop out the core with a spoon. ② Pour 75 gram white wine, 300 gram water and 75 gram superfine sugar into a saucepan over medium-low heat. ③ Once the sugar has completely dissolved, add 15 gram lemon juice (100%) and a few drops of vanilla oil to stir well. ④ Turn off a burner and dump all of the divided peaches into the wine-syrup. Again turn on a burner to bring it to a boil over medium heat. Once it has got boiled, put on the lid and get set over low heat. ⑤ Stir every 5 minutes to soak the peaches well into the wine-syrup for about 15 minutes. When the peach gets enough softened to pierce easily by chopsticks, remove from heat. ⑥ Remove the lid, and place 1 sheet of parchment paper as a drop lid deep inside of the saucepan. Let it cool at room temperature. The peach compote has done. ⑦ Separate the peaches from the juice.


For Cacao Swiss RollRequired Amount
Egg Yolk (M)3 ea.
Superfine Sugar10 gram
Whole Milk30 gram
Vegetable Oil (Canola)30 gram
Salt2 gram
Vanilla Oila few drops
Cacao Powder3.5 gram
Cake Flour30 gram
Bread Flour30 gram
Egg White3 ea.
White Wine Vinegar3 gram
Super Fine Sugar50 gram
Cacao Swiss Roll : Protein percentage has adjusted to about 10%.

調理法は、スイスロールの常法に基づいて作成しています(See→スイスロール)ので端折ります。Bain-marieで卵黄・砂糖を混ぜ牛乳とキャノラオイルを混ぜます。メレンゲをstiff peakに仕上げたのちgo back methodで混合します。最後に粉類を振るってスパチュラで混ぜでバッターの出来上がりです。


For Cheese Cream MousseAmount for Use
Heavy Cream100 gram
Superfine Sugar10 gram
Cream Cheese100 gram
Peach compote 10 gram
Powdered Gelatin2 gram
Cheese Cream Mousse Recipe
